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Google Ads

  • By Yazan Darweesh
  • April 12, 2023

A correct understanding of the mechanism of the Google search engine is a key factor for the development of your digital business:


Social media platforms in general, and Google in particular, have a significant impact on the development of any business or startup in the current digital age. This is because Google represents the real heart that ensures and monitors the sequence of daily data and basic human needs, giving it the first priority as the first search engine. In addition, Google’s massive database size and coverage make it a powerful tool for businesses. It is important to note that this is referring to the Google search engine, not the company itself, as there is a significant difference in size and coverage between the two. After Google published a research paper explaining the concepts of how the search engine works,

 we will have access to the mechanism behind Google’s operations.

How Google Search organizes information:

When you do a search, Google searches hundreds of billions of web pages and other content stored in the search index for useful information beyond the limits of information available in libraries around the world.

Find information by crawling:

Most search indexes have been created in Google by the work of programs known as crawlers. These programs automatically visit public web pages and track the links on those pages, just as if you were browsing content on the web. You go from page to page and store information about what you find on those pages and other publicly available content in the Google search engine index.

Organize information through indexing

When web crawlers come across a webpage, Google’s systems display the content of the page just like a browser does. It takes into account key signals, starting from keywords to the freshness of the website, and tracks all of that in the search index. The Google search index includes hundreds of billions of webpages and is much larger than 100 million gigabytes. It’s like an index at the end of a book, where all the words on every indexed page are entered. And when a webpage is indexed, it adds all the words contained in it to the data.

Constant crawling in search of new information

As the web and other content constantly change, Google’s crawling processes are always working to keep up with the developments. Crawlers recognize the number of times that the content has changed since they last saw it and revisit it as needed. They also discover new content when new links to those pages or new information emerge.

Google’s search engine provides a set of tools called Search Console that content owners can use to help Google crawl their content better. They can also take advantage of established standards, such as sitemaps or robots.txt files, to indicate how often the content should be visited or whether it should be included in the search index.

Google never accepts payments to increase a website’s crawl rate, as Google provides the same tools for all websites to ensure the best possible results for its users.

More than just web pages

Google’s search index goes beyond content on the web, because it makes it possible to find useful information in other sources.

In fact, Google has multiple indexes of different types of information, collected through crawling, through partnerships, through data feeds that are sent to Google, and through its own encyclopedia of facts, the Knowledge Graph.

These many indexes mean you can search millions of books from major bookstores, find travel times from your local public transit agency, or find data from public sources such as the World Bank. More details on Google:

Organizing Information – How Google Search Works

How to automatically generate results

Due to the huge amount of information available, it can be impossible to find the desired results without help. Thus, thanks to Google’s ranking systems, hundreds of billions of web pages are ranked in Google’s search engine index to provide useful and relevant results in less than a second.


Key factors in your results

To provide the most useful information, search algorithms focus on many factors and signals, such as the words in the query, relevance, ease of use of pages, resource expertise, your language, and geographic location. The importance of each factor varies depending on the nature of the query. For example, content freshness plays an important role in answering queries on News Feed topics but its role is reduced in queries for definitions in dictionaries.


Below you can find more information about the key factors that help us determine the right results for your query:

Meaning of a search query

To show results related to your query, we first need to determine the information you’re looking for, Whatever the purpose of the query. Therefore, we create language models to try to analyze how the few words you enter in the search box match the most useful content available.

This process includes some seemingly simple steps, such as identifying and correcting misspellings, and even using Google’s unique thesaurus system that helps find relevant documents even if they don’t contain the same words you used. For example, you might search for “change laptop brightness level” but the manufacturer may have used the phrase “adjust laptop brightness level”. Google’s systems understand that words and meaning are identical and show you the appropriate content. This system has taken more than five years to develop and significantly improve results in more than 30% of searches across all languages.

Google’s systems also try to understand what kind of information you’re looking for. If you use words like “cooking” and “photos” in your searches, Google’s systems understand that showing recipes or pictures of them is what you’re asking for. If you search in French, most of the results that are displayed will be in that language, as you probably want them to be. Google’s systems can also detect local searches, so when you enter the word “pizza” in the search box, you get results about nearby restaurants that provide food delivery.

If you search for popular keywords, Google’s systems will conclude that fresh information may be more useful than older pages. This means that when you search for sports results, corporate earnings or any other recent topic, the latest information on it will be displayed

In the next step, Google systems analyze the content to assess whether it contains information that may be relevant to the search topic

If the webpage contains the same keywords as the query, then the information on that page is relevant to your search. For example, on web pages, if these keywords appear on the page, in the headings, or in the text, it means that the information on that page is relevant to the search.

Besides searching for keywords, Google’s systems also analyze content to see if it is relevant to the search in other ways. We also use aggregated and anonymized interaction data to assess whether search results are relevant to your queries. Google turns this data into signals that help machine learning systems better estimate relevance. For example, when you search for the word “dogs,” your goal isn’t to get a page where the word “dogs” appears hundreds of times. So, the search algorithms evaluate whether the page contains other relevant content than the keyword “dogs”, such as pictures of dogs, videos or even a list of breeds

It should be noted that although Google’s systems look for these types of measurable signals to assess relevance, they are not designed to analyze subjective concepts such as viewpoint or political orientation of page content.

Content Quality

After learning about relevant content, Google’s systems aim to prioritize results that seem more useful than others. To do this, learn about signals that can help identify content that demonstrates expertise, credibility, and trustworthiness.

For example, one factor that helps Google determine this is whether prominent websites include links to or reference to that content. This method has succeeded in identifying trustworthy information. In addition, feedback collected from the Google Search quality assessment process is used to enhance the ability of Google systems to distinguish the quality of information..

There are always changes to web content and large ecosystems. Therefore, Google continuously measures and evaluates the quality of its systems to ensure that we balance information relevance and credibility, so that the results consistently meet your expectations.

Ease of use of web pages

Google’s systems also take the ease of use of content into account. When all factors are fairly equal, content that users find more user-friendly may rank better than others.

For example, Google systems might look at aspects of page experience. experience in terms of mobile content so that mobile users can easily view it. Similarly, systems consider the speed of content upload, which is important for users.

Context and settings

Google helps information like your location, past search history, and search settings make sure you show the most useful results that are relevant to your search topic.

Used Google your country and geographic location to provide content relevant to your area. For example, if you live in Dubai and search for ‘soccer’, Google will most likely return results for Emirati football and Shabab Al Ahli Dubai first. In contrast, if you search for “soccer” in Riyadh, Google will display results for football and the Saudi Football League first. Search settings are also an important indicator of which results you’ll likely find useful, such as when you select a preferred language or enable safe search (a tool that helps weed out explicit results).

Also includes Google Search. For example, if you search for “events near me,” Google might make suggestions for categories of events that it thinks might interest you..

“Note that these systems are designed to suit your interests, but they are not designed to infer sensitive information such as race, religion, or political party.

You can specify the search history used to improve your Google search experience, for example by specifying what data is saved in your Google Account at myaccount.google.com. To turn off personalization of search based on activity in your account, turn off your Web & App Activity settings.

You can also find content preferences like SafeSearch in Settings and they help you choose whether or not you want your search results to include violent content that may shock some users For more details from here:

Ranking Results – How Google Search Works

Google search engine optimization via rigorous testing:

Google’s goal is always to provide you with the most useful and relevant information about your search topic. When you make changes to Google Search, you constantly strive to improve results to benefit you,,   Dosent accpect Google payment from anyone for their content in Google Search results.

Interest Test

Google’s search engine has changed over the years to keep pace with the growing needs and expectations of Google users. From innovations like the Knowledge Graph, to the changes Google is making to its systems to ensure we continue to highlight relevant content, Google’s goal is always to improve how you experience the results you see.

All possible changes to Google undergo a rigorous evaluation process aimed at analyzing metrics and determining whether or not to implement the proposed change.

The data generated from the evaluations and experiments is thoroughly reviewed by experienced engineers and research analysts, as well as other legal and privacy experts, who decide whether to make or cancel the change. In 2021, Google ran nearly 700,000 experiments that resulted in more than 4,000 optimizations on Google’s search engine..


4,366 launches

Each proposed change to Google’s search engine is reviewed by Google’s most experienced engineers and data scientists, who carefully review data from various experiments to decide whether to make or reject the change. Last year, many of the proposed changes weren’t released because Google only releases changes that improve user experience.

11,553 direct visit experiences

Google is conducting live traffic experiments to see how actual users interact with the feature before it is released to the public. The required feature is activated for a small percentage of users, usually starting at 0.1%. Then, Google compares the experimental group to a control group for which the feature has not been enabled. It reviews a very long list of metrics, such as the results users click, how many queries were made, whether any queries were cancelled, how long it took users to click on a result, and so on. Google uses these results to measure whether users interact positively with the feature, with the goal of ensuring that the changes it makes enhance the relevance and usefulness of the results for users.

757,583 research quality tests

Google works with third-party search quality rating agencies to measure the quality of search results on an ongoing basis. These entities evaluate the relevance of the content to the search query as well as the quality of the results based on the author’s experience and the credibility and reliability of the content. These evaluations do not directly affect the ranking of results, but they help Google measure the quality of its results and ensure that they meet the needs of a large segment of users around the world.

72,367 trials comparing two types of outcomes

Google search engine results are not consistent. It is constantly striving to improve its systems to display better search results, and search quality rating agencies play an important role in the process of triggering improvements. In experiments in which two types of results are compared, Google shows the rankers two different sets of search results as follows: one to which the proposed change has already been applied and one to which the change has not been applied, and then asks them which results they prefer and why.

Quality rating entities evaluate how well a website meets the needs of visitors in terms of providing the information they are looking for. They also assess the quality of search results based on the author’s expertise, content credibility, and reliability.

To ensure a consistent approach, Google publishes guidelines for search quality rating agencies to guide them and provide examples of appropriate ratings. Although the process of assessing the quality of results seems simple, there are many difficult cases that require careful consideration, so these notes are important to ensure that high quality results are provided to users consistently

You can learn more on Google:

Rigorous Testing – How Google Search Works


Discover How to Use Google Ads to Reach Your Goals – Google Ads

Why are Google Ads important for the development of your business?

Google Ads is an online advertising system managed by Google, which allows businesses to create ads that appear on Google search results pages or on other websites that are part of the Google Ads network. With it, you can create online ads to reach people who are interested in the products and services you offer on your website. Google Ads have become increasingly popular over the past decade and are considered one of the most important tools that give business owners a prominent appearance on the first page of Google search results, helping to attract a large number of visitors to their websites and increase sales. It is also a powerful tool that can help businesses reach potential customers. It allows companies to target potential customers based on their interests, location, and other factors, and track the performance of their ads in real-time.

Some forms of Google ads:

There are several types of Google ads available for businesses, including:

o Search Google ADS: They are text ads and keywords that are frequently used for a specific product, so they can be adopted within the objectives of the financing campaign based on determining what these words are, the extent of their frequency in the market, the context of their repetition, the concepts of their repetition and their association with other words, specific occasions or activities that may produce new open words, in short, this type embodies the basic structure on which the essence of advertising in Google is based It is the conceptual and semantic link between words, so that it requires us as specialists to properly prepare to build the context chart of each product and how it is traded between people and what phrases are most used to trade this product and when they are used and what are the basic arguments to use them and as much as we were able to surround all the basic information to describe the need for something,  Here we begin to have the ability to crystallize unlike the needs diagram that expresses the individuals in need of this thing Here we begin to have the ability to reverse the needs chart that expresses the individuals in need of this thing and here in turn Google directly understands all the chart and the prepared content and archives it where it determines the criteria of archiving and the extent to which the thing is achieved and its description of certain needs that can be considered Google-friendly and improves the appearance of this thing within the first results of any search within the conceptual context of the arguments chart for this thing and we were able to harness Google’s tools to our advantage in Search engine optemization topics, That is, for the correct use of ads in Google, you must understand the general behavior and approach based on how the community narrates and exchanges the need or topic that you are trying to prepare to advertise for, the more your understanding of these needs is correct, the more the measurement, results, and interaction resulting from the advertisement is correct and effective, this is as conceptual talk only.

Measurement standards require knowledge and focus on privacy policy, content and what you intend to market. Search and collect product information:

The research and measurement approach is a continuous approach that can be updated, measured and monitored, so choosing the right tools and clean data to launch is the first step in understanding the needs of the product in the market.

o Display: An advertisement composed of an image describing the product.

o Video: Simply these ads appear on YouTube.

o Shopping: This campaign represents the product listings we see on Google.

o And many other types that depend on the goal of the campaign, the type of product and where it appears

Each type of ad has its own set of features and benefits, and businesses can choose the type of ad that best suits their needs.

For example, Google Search Ads are designed to appear when users search for specific keywords specific to the desired product, while display ads are designed to appear on websites that are part of the Google Ads network. Video ads are designed to appear on YouTube, and Shopping ads are designed to appear on Google Shopping, of course there are many places called placements that are determined when creating the ad and appear different according to each funding campaign chosen during the creation of the ad on Google

Why is Google Ads important?

Google is one of the most used search engines in the world, so Google Ads is a product that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, raise public awareness about your product and brand, and increase traffic to your website or downloads for your smart application. It allows you to increase the tariff of your company, highlight temporary offers and discounts, increase your website visits and the percentage of completed conversions from target customers interested in the product or service according to its geographical location, It makes it easier for him to access the site or online store to complete the purchase process, and also contributes to expanding the circle of your site’s spread, because the advertisement will appear on all Google platforms

Benefits of Google Ads:

Google Ads for Business offers a number of benefits:

1 Target your ads

By ad targeting, you can show your ads to people with specific interests, i.e. people who are interested in your products and services, and show them relevant ads.

Google Ads offers different targeting methods, which we’ll cover in more detail later. Now, we give you a glimpse of the options you have with online advertising that can make your marketing campaigns more targeted:

Keywords: Words or phrases related to your products and services, used to show your ads when customers search for those terms or when they visit related websites.

Where ad: Show your ads on Google search results pages and websites that are part of the Google Search and Display Networks.

Age, location, and language: Choose your customers’ age, location, and language.

Days, times and frequency period: Show your ads during certain hours or days of the week, and limit the number of times your ads appear.

Devices: Your ads may appear on all types of devices, and you can decide which devices your ads appear on and when they show

2- Control your costs

Google Ads lets you control how you spend your money. There is no minimum amount of money spent. You can decide how much you spend monthly, per day, and per ad. You’ll only pay when someone clicks your ad.

3- Measure your success

When you use Google Ads, if someone clicks on your ad, you’ll know it. If you click on it and then take an action that has value for your business, such as purchasing the product, downloading the app, or calling to place an order, you can track that too.

By knowing which ads receive clicks and which ones don’t, you’ll quickly know where to direct your campaign investment. You can get other valuable data, including the average cost of advertising that leads to purchases Or phone calls from your customers online.

You can also use analytical tools to learn about your customer’s shopping habits, such as how long it usually takes to research your product before buying it.

  1. Manage your campaigns

Google Ads also offers you tools to easily manage and monitor your accounts.

If you manage multiple Google Ads accounts, the MCC Manager account is a powerful tool that can save you time. This allows you to easily view and manage all your Google Ads accounts from one place.

You can also manage your Google Ads account offline with Google Ads Editor, a free and downloadable desktop application that allows you to make changes to your account quickly and easily. With Google Ads Editor, you can download your account information, edit your campaigns offline, then upload your changes to Google Ads. You can use Google Ads Editor to manage, edit and view multiple accounts at the same time, copy or move items between different ad groups and campaigns, and undo and redo multiple changes while editing campaigns Campaigns, there is also an application for Android and iPhone mobiles.

✔ Google Ads also allows businesses to control their budget, as they can set a daily budget for their ads and adjust them as needed. In addition, businesses can use Google Ads to test different versions of their ads to see which performs best.

Google Ads tips

When using Google Ads, there are a few tips that businesses should keep in mind to get the most out of their ads. This includes keyword research, creating compelling ad copy, and tracking the performance of their ads.

Companies should also focus on optimizing their ads for mobile devices, as more and more users access the internet from their mobile devices. In addition, businesses must use Google Ads insights to better understand their target audience and needs.





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